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Salesforce Consultant Uses Performance Analysis To Optimize Operations

Salesforce is a powerful platform and a major investment toward your operation’s success. With the time, energy, and resources invested, you’ll want to ensure you get the most out of your Salesforce org.

Whether you’re fresh from a Salesforce implementation or have been using it for a while, an in-depth, thorough performance analysis by a Salesforce partner or Salesforce consultant may reveal some ways to improve your processes and overall efficiency. This blog will look at a basic outline for a productive performance analysis.


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Four Ways To Leverage Salesforce To Optimize Warehouse Efficiencies

Evaluate Your Current Salesforce Usage

Salesforce partners or Salesforce consultants are very adept at conducting on-site and in-depth analyses across all departments. They examine processes, personnel, permissions, and how Salesforce intersects with your overall operation. They sit with users, go through day-to-day scenarios, and get a feel for necessary steps and the goal for each given task. The Salesforce consultant will work closely with users and admins, take copious notes, and make thoughtful determinations.

Identify Holes and Inefficiencies

After the Salesforce partner completes their on-site work, they’ll provide you with a full analysis of your Salesforce usage. This outline typically includes the current state of usage and recommendations for improvement. Some common areas needing improvement are:

  • Communication / Established Processes and Procedures
  • Visibility
  • Training
  • Automation
  • Data Management
  • Ease of Use
  • Support

Roadmap of Recommendations

Quick Wins  

Salesforce consultants can quickly address some areas for quick wins. Below are some common items you can usually remedy in the short term.

  • Create lead assignment rules and territories for sales
  • Create email templates for users
  • Create automated follow-up tasks and notifications
  • Enable folder sharing and public group list views
  • Update the home page and train users on customization
  • Evaluate and hide inactive/unnecessary objects and tabs

Strategy and Development 

Strategy and development of your processes is a bit more in-depth and will take more planning and time than the quick wins. This requires a dedicated champion from your organization to work alongside the Salesforce consultant to take ownership of completion. A standard plan often has an organization:

  • Get management goals and expectations clearly defined, agreed upon, and communicated
  • Create a list of processes and procedures, finalize them, and share them with all users.
  • Establish any KPIs that can be measured in Salesforce that are tied to the corporate strategy
  • Start to develop a standardized training plan by role for new hires and existing employees
  • Create standard training for the above plan

Long-Term Strategy

Similar to the strategy and development phase, the long-term strategy involves more work and possibly longer timelines. However, these items are executed a bit further down the road. Below are some ideas of what these long-term items could be.

  • Integrate with third-party apps
  • Implement third-party apps

In Conclusion

Proper performance analysis is a crucial step in an organization’s Salesforce journey. When done correctly, and with the guidance of a Salesforce partner, organizations can address inefficient gaps in their Salesforce usage. 

While the example in this blog looks at current Salesforce users, performance analyses can also be incredibly beneficial to those looking to implement Salesforce for the first time. Either way, a Salesforce performance analysis will keep you on a path to success.

Team Virtuoso is here to help you maximize your Salesforce usage.

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